Data Tramsformation Programme: Driving Global Growth & Marketing Efficiency Delivering a +20% ROI

Our hands-on business experience, combined with our people-first approach, played a crucial role in the rapid pilot and scale of data-driven use cases, unlocking significant & transformative results.


In the consumer goods sector, swift progress translates to the greatest benefits from data-supported capabilities.

As a leader in the alcohol beverages industry, our client recognized the game-changing potential of data and artificial intelligence (AI) in revolutionizing marketing, consumer engagement, and commercial efficiency.

With consumer goods peers already seeing significant ROI effectiveness and cost savings contributed by artificial intelligence (AI), our client needed to get on top of this opportunity fast.

With an ambition to rapidly accellerate, they turned to Pivot&Co to help them with their global growth and marketing operations data & AI strategy.


A multi-faceted growth and marketing operations efficiency transformation programme leveraging data and AI.

The global programme is anchored in piloting and scaling high potential data use cases addressing key marketing and commercial effectiveness challenges & opportunities.

Pivot&Co supports stakeholders throughout the organization (as well as key partners) in using data and AI to improve outcomes, as well as understand what drives their own performance.

Beyond developing data strategies both globally and at market level, the programme comprises: 

  • Data Mapping and sourcing, including sales, marketing, and consumer behaviour into a unified data repository

  • AI-Driven Consumer Activation: from implementing perzonalisation tools to predictive analysis

  • Commercial Effectiveness Enhancement, such as AI algorithms optimizing promotional activities, inventory management and insights for commercial decision making

  • Performance Analytics, allowing stakeholders to understand and act on key performance drivers.

  • Training and Change Management;Upskilling of teams on data analysis, AI applications, and the new tools implemented.


Through the ongoing implementation of our strategies, our client has achieved significantly improved marketing ROI (+20%) and multiple operational efficiencies.

Beyond tangible business outcomes they have also undergone a cultural shift towards embracing data and AI, positioning itself for sustained growth, operational efficiency, and continued innovation in the ever-evolving consumer goods landscape.

Acknowledging our impact, we were honored with their "Value Creation" award.


We created

single minded global strategic approach


with more than

local markets


adopted across

use cases


resulting in excess of

improved marketing ROI. 

Get in touch today, to discuss what Growth Challenges we can help you with