Supply Chain & Procurement

  • Raw materials volatility forecasting  

  • Suppliers cost model analysis 

  • Scope 3 analysis and Business Intelligence reporting 

  • Risk & Ops modelling and risk cartography identification

We leverage AI and cognitive computing to resolve many of the supply chain process challenges including the CSRD integration Risk & Ops monitoring. 

Our latest Work

Tackling Raw Material Market Volatility with an AI-Driven Strategy sparks Company-Wide Transformation
Companies are increasingly confronted with significant challenges due to fluctuating raw material costs. Learn how our solution overhauled a multi-national food company’s strategy

Redefining ESG Reporting with Faster, Smarter AI Solutions

Learn how we streamlined our Asset Management client’s ESG reporting strategy, transforming the oversight of 50+ sustainability metrics across hundreds of entities, to drive near-real-time actionable insight. 

Get in touch today to discuss how Pivot&Co can elevate your market resilience and strategic agility